Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Yummy stuff from last week

Just a little update with a couple recipes I made last week that we really enjoyed.  Sorry guys, no pics... I didn't take any (palak paneer really isn't that photogenic...) and I'm not stealing anybody else's off their blog. 

Spicy Pumpkin Soup from Make It Naked.  This was good, but could have used a little more heat.  I put the minimum amount of cayenne in since my 2-yr old was eating it also and just spiced up my  individual serving.  Oh, and the 2-yr old says, "It's tasty". 

Palak Paneer  from Indian Simmer.  This was too spicy for the 2-yr old, but I knew that going in so I made him some other leftovers to eat that night :)  Instead of the thai chiles, I used 6 small serranos.  I also used queso fresco in place of the paneer.  (Sometimes you just have to substitute what is available at the small town grocery store... I was happy I could get queso fresco!)  This was delicious and was just as good leftover as it was the first night. 

Of course, I've made a couple other really yummy things this week, but in my traditional style of cooking, they involved using up the little bit of this, that, and the other thing and not writing a thing down!  So no recipes exist for them and they will never be made in that exact configuration again.  Sometimes the fun of cooking is trying the new recipe and following it, sometimes the fun lies in just throwing ingredients in a pan to see what you end up with...